Oh tiny, pink bundles of new life! Delicious little things they are.
Pregnancy is so different for every woman - some love it, some loathe it. But however you feel, a big swollen belly is a beautiful thing indeed. Some want this miraculous part of their lives documented, and some would prefer no one came near them with a camera, until well after baby's first birthday..
If you're a lover, I'll take plenty of belly shots. But I find your pregnancy story is not all about baby. It's about you - as a woman and expectant mother, you and your partner - and your relationship together before baby, and your gloriously ordinary everyday. Because whether it's your first baby or fifth, life is a little different after baby - and it's hard to remember how things were..
The fleeting weeks following baby's arrival are so full.. endless feeding, burping, nappies, bathing, washing, visitors, check ups.. and that's only if it's your first baby! Adding to the brood means these things are added ON TOP of all the other regular stuff that goes with caring for the rest of the family. And with each new babe, those early weeks pass by quicker than the last.. and to be frank, your memory isn't that great by then. Or is that just me?
With baby sleeping a lot during those first few weeks, it's a good time to document all the tiny everything. In years to come you'll be able to show them how they fit into their family from the beginning of their story.. and a continuation of yours.
During 2013 and into the early months of 2014, I worked with my sister to document her pregnancy. We photographed her changing shape every month from the three month mark, including her son's birth and onto the first month at home.
We named the series BABY LOVE.
Click the picture to see the full series.