
I love photographing my sisters. It's so easy. They are so used to me and my camera, they are just being themselves. So easy, so comfortable. Never concerned with what angle I'm shooting from, how close I am, have I got their best side - gasp! The blank canvas in front of me is so stark. It almost screams.. go on, show me what you got *insert attitude face*.

The freedom of creation with no expectation is a beautiful thing. And so damn good for the creative soul.

Sunrise at the beach - I think it's the most freeing part of the day; so different to sunset. The light, the colours, the smell, the cold, dark sand underfoot. The sun pokes it's head above the horizon so angelically, you are forced to stand, wait and watch. Another day is here. What will you do with it?

These photos were taken back in September, shortly after my sister and brother-in-law announced they were expecting their second child. Today, her belly is swollen and heavy. Her body is tired and more than ready. There's less than a fortnight to go before we meet baby.. and so, we wait..